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If you ever get tired of swimming, walking, running and jumping,

you can pay attention to the historical, scientific and cultural sites of the island.

Spend time wisely, so to speak.



Pirámides de Güímar is the most mysterious and enigmatic place in Tenerife. The pyramids gained worldwide fame thanks to the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl, the author of "Kon Tiki" and other works dedicated to diverse corners of our planet. 

The Pyramids of Güímar resemble the famous structures of South America and Mesopotamia. According to Heyerdahl, there was a clear connection between America and the Mediterranean long before the discovery of Columbus, and the Canary Islands served as an intermediate point between the two continents. In this case, Pirámides de Güímar is nothing but evidence of the presence of a very ancient civilization in the Canary Islands.


There is also another, more mundane version of the origin of Pirámides de Güímar. Many locals consider these pyramids to be nothing more than irrigation structures created to prevent soil erosion in a mountainous landscape. Similar structures throughout the island provide some evidence to support this theory.

However, there are a number of facts that make Heyerdahl's point of view stronger. The neatness of the pyramids, the solidified lava as a material for construction, the rectangular shape of the corner stones, the connection with astronomy, the flat location – all this distinguishes Pirámides de Güímar from similar structures on the island. Therefore, Heyerdahl's theory about the pyramids, as evidence of a religious cult of an ancient civilization that has a connection with America long before the era of Great Geographical Discoveries, has every right to live.


If you want to see Pirámides de Güímar with your own eyes and make your own opinion about their nature and purpose – be sure to visit this place during your trip. Here you can not only wander among the pyramids, but also visit the museum, where, among other exhibits, a model of a papyrus boat is on display, on which Thor Heyerdahl and his team crossed the Atlantic Ocean and thereby proved that such a journey could have been made back in the days of Ancient Egypt. 

There is also its own botanical garden, where poisonous plants from all over the world are presented separately. In fact, this is a whole ethnographic complex where you can spend an interesting and useful day.

Open: 10:00 - 18:00



Let's move on from the ethnographic open-air park to the museums of the island, starting with the city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, which is already a monument of history and architecture in its own right. There are two museums here that are recommended for visiting.

The Museo de Historia y Antropología is probably the most important museum on the island. It presents a collection that tells the history of Tenerife from the 15th century onwards. The assortment is not the largest, but it is quite enough to get acquainted with the island's history.

The only thing to note is that there won't be any evidence of the life of the Guanches, the island's aboriginal people, as the museum's exposition only covers the beginning of the Spanish period. 

The Museo de Historia y Antropología also has its own little mystery related to a ghost. If you are interested, you can search the Internet for the tragic life story of Catalina Lercalo from Tenerife or read a short note about it on Wikipedia. They say that the ghost of Catalina can still be found in the rooms of the museum.

The Museo de Historia y Antropología also has its own little mystery related to a ghost. If you are interested, you can search the Internet for the tragic life story of Catalina Lercalo from Tenerife or read a short note about it on Wikipedia. They say that the ghost of Catalina can still be found in the rooms of the museum.


09:00 - 19:00 (Monday - Saturday) 

10:00 - 18:00 (Sunday)



The Museum of History and Anthropology has another exhibition area located in the municipality of Valle de Guerra, closer to the northern coast of the island. The building in which the museum is located, Casa de Carta, is itself a monument of the history and architecture of Tenerife. The historical collection presented there tells about life on the island in the 18th and 19th centuries. The opening hours for the Casa de Carta Museum complex are daily from 10:00 to 17:00, and you can find a link to the route here.



Another museum in La Laguna is the Museum of Science and Space. The Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos is interesting not only for adults, but also for children. It presents over 70 scientific attractions, many of which visitors can interact with directly. Here, you can learn about how the universe works and get acquainted with discoveries made by human civilization in space.

The museum's exhibition is designed to take about two hours, and believe me, you won't be wasting your time. If you're interested in space, a visit to the Museo de la Ciencia y El Cosmos is a must. And, of course, it's informative!


09:00 - 19:00 (Monday - Saturday) 

10:00 - 17:00 (Sunday)




Let's head down from La Laguna to the island's capital, Santa Cruz, which is home to several museums. Our first stop here will be the Museum of Nature and Man - Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueología.


Here, you can get acquainted with the Guanches, who were the aboriginal people of Tenerife, and learn about the specifics of their life on the island. The mummies on display at the museum are among the best preserved in the world.

The museum also presents exhibits related to archaeology, biology, and the flora of the Canary Islands. In addition, the Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueología features fossils of animals that lived on the islands during the prehistoric period, such as giant lizards and turtles. Visitors should also pay special attention to exhibits that symbolize various human cultures, such as masks and ceramics. The Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueología is a great place to gain new knowledge about the Canary Islands.


09:00 - 19:00 (Monday - Saturday) 

10:00 - 17:00 (Sunday)




If you are drawn to military topics, pay attention to the Museo Histórico Militar de Canarias. As was quite subtly noticed on one of the tourist resources, this is a museum for boys from 10 to 100 years old. It is located in the Almeyda Fort, built to protect the city from the north-west.

The museum tells the military history of the Canary Islands.


For example, did you know that the famous Admiral Nelson lost his arm during the siege of Santa Cruz de Tenerife? By the way, the siege was unsuccessful. In the museum, of course, you will not find his hands, but as exhibits there are a couple of British flags from his ships, as well as all other military utensils, including a cast-iron cannon cast in the XVI century.

In general, Tenerife, despite its mild climate, was unyielding to enemies and can be proud of its military history. If you want to experience the island's military glory, take the time to visit the Museo Histórico Militar de Canarias.


An additional argument in favor of visiting the museum is that admission is free. Just don't forget to bring your identification document with you.


09:00 - 15:00 (Monday - Friday) 

10:00 - 14:00 (Saturday - Sunday)




In the old days, Tenerife had to defend its freedom and independence more than once. To do this, the island had a real defensive system, including a number of fortresses. Some of them, such as San Felipe in Puerto de la Cruz or San Miguel in Garachico, are still standing today.

Not so long ago, in the center of the capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on the Plaza de España, the wall of the San Cristobal Castle was partially restored, which became the basis for the creation of the Castillo de San Cristobal exhibition, telling about the island's defensive system. The exhibition covers the period from the construction of the castle (around 1575) to its demolition in 1928.

Since July 25, 2009, the Castillo de San Cristobal has been augmented with a remarkable exhibit. The bronze cannon El Tigre, an 18th-century artillery piece about 3 meters long and weighing 2000 kg, was moved here from the Museo Histórico Militar. Approximately at this place it was located on the night of June 24, 1797, when it played a decisive role in defending the freedom and independence of Tenerife. Folk tradition says that it was El Tigre that was responsible for the loss of the arm of Admiral Nelson, who was then in charge of the British fleet.



Weapons are important, but why not appreciate beauty as well? For that purpose, Santa Cruz has an entire art center, the TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, consisting of three galleries. One of the main permanent exhibitions is dedicated to the life and work of Óscar Domínguez, who, along with Joan Miró and Salvador Dalí, is one of the best surrealist artists in Spain. In addition, the center often features exhibitions by young Spanish artists.

Visitors are impressed not only by the contents of the center, but also by its unusual architecture. The art center is located very close to another museum - Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueología, so a visit to both sites can fit into one visit to the capital. 

By the way, the entrance to the Art Center is free.


12:00 - 20:00 (Tuesday - Friday) 

10:00 - 20:00 (Saturday, Sunday)



There is also a museum that is related to art and deserves your attention.

The Museum of Fine Arts - Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes – offers to get acquainted with a collection of paintings, the authors of which are mainly Spanish and Flemish artists. Here you can see the works of such masters as Jose Ribera, Joaquin Sorolla and Peter Bruegel.

The highlight of the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes is the paintings by Manuel Villegas Brieva with grandiose battle scenes. There are also sculptures here, including those by Rodin. If painting and art are interesting to you, be sure to take the time to visit the Museum of Fine Arts. Admission is free.


10:00 - 20:00 (Tuesday - Friday) 

10:00 - 14:00 (Saturday, Sunday)



In the former capital of the island, La Laguna, there is an exhibition center with a very long name - Fundación Cristino de Vera - Espacio Cultural Caja Canarias. It is located in an old house from the 18th century, and the atmosphere and interiors are as interesting as the exhibition itself.

On the ground floor, there are temporary exhibitions, and on the second floor, there is a permanent gallery which was donated by a local resident - Cristino de Vera - a very interesting person. You can find more information about the center, the exhibited works, and Cristino de Vera himself on the official website.

The highlight of the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes is the paintings by Manuel Villegas Brieva with grandiose battle scenes. There are also sculptures here, including those by Rodin. If painting and art are interesting to you, be sure to take the time to visit the Museum of Fine Arts. Admission is free.


10:00 - 14:00, 17:00 - 20:00 (Monday - Friday) 

10:00 - 14:00 (Saturday)



Not far from La Laguna, there is the equally wonderful town of La Orotava, which is famous for its pretty houses and carved Canary balconies from the 17th century. In addition to enjoying the aesthetics, those who wish can visit one of these buildings.

La Casa De Los Balcones is a personification of the spirit and character of that era. You will be able to get acquainted with authentic furniture and utensils, see firsthand what the bedroom and living room looked like, and of course, the most lively place of that time - the kitchen. An additional bonus is a small but very interesting exhibition of lace.

The highlight of the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes is the paintings by Manuel Villegas Brieva with grandiose battle scenes. There are also sculptures here, including those by Rodin. If painting and art are interesting to you, be sure to take the time to visit the Museum of Fine Arts. Admission is free.

Open: 10:00 - 18:00



On the same site where the house-museum with a balcony, La Casa De Los Balconies, is presented, there is another house worth visiting - Casa Eladia Machado, where you can find a large collection of Canarian crafts.

This building was constructed in the 16th century and was previously used as a monastery. Casa Eladia Machado is located directly opposite La Casa De Los Balconies. Here, you can personally witness the process of making sand and ceramics, see traditional local lace and embroidery, as well as admire the paintings of the Egyptian artist Mohamed Osmana, who painted iconic places and landscapes of the Canary Islands.

The entrance to Casa Eladia Machado is free, as its main purpose is to sell handicrafts to tourists. However, no one prevents you from coming here and just wander around the premises, looking at old interiors, souvenirs and handicrafts of craftsmen.

Special attention should be paid to the courtyard, which offers an impressive view of the Orotava Valley and Mount Teide. By the way, very close to the house of crafts and the house of balconies is the Jardines del marquesado de la Quinta Roja garden and park complex, which is also worthy of your visit.



La Orotava is not only about beautiful interiors, balconies, and crafts. There is also a museum of Tenerife - Centro de visitantes Telesforo Bravo, in the exhibition halls of which you can learn more about the geological history of the island, its climate, and see the development of Tenerife through the eyes of researchers.

The entrance to Casa Eladia Machado is free, as its main purpose is to sell handicrafts to tourists. However, no one prevents you from coming here and just wandering around the premises, looking at old interiors, souvenirs, and handicrafts of craftsmen. 

Special attention should be paid to the courtyard, which offers an impressive view of the Orotava Valley and Mount Teide. By the way, very close to the house of crafts and the house of balconies is the Jardines del marquesado de la Quinta Roja garden and park complex, which is also worthy of your visit.



And, of course, we cannot ignore the Tenerife Maritime Museum. It is located in the north of the island, in Puerto de La Cruz. The expression is ideal here: "small but expensive." Museo del Pescador occupies a small area, but is represented by a whole array of bright exhibits.

Two floors of the building are packed with various marine and fishing objects. Among other things, in the Museo del Pescador, you will find many models of marine vessels. Some of the exhibits are even allowed to be touched. Admission to the museum is free, but donations are accepted.

When you visit the Museo del Pescador, you won't need to spend a lot of time there, but you will surely enjoy its cozy atmosphere and unique exhibits. The only issue is that the museum doesn't have a fixed schedule, so it may be closed from time to time.

Open: 9:00 - 14:00 



There is another place worth visiting for those who are interested in science. This is the Observatorio del Teide, where there are large and powerful telescopes for observing the Sun and stars.

The Canary Islands are one of the three places on earth (along with Chile and Hawaii) with the most ideal stargazing conditions, and the Observatorio del Teide is one of the largest in the world.


While visiting the Observatorio del Teide, you will not only be able to see how telescopes are arranged and how stargazing takes place, but also take part in a master class in astrophysics. 

If you visit the observatory during the day, you will be able to observe the Sun, and at night you will be able to observe the constellations and individual stars. By the way, here's another reason to visit the Observatorio del Teide: in the starry sky above Tenerife, you can see 83 out of the 88 constellations.

Visiting the Museo del Pescador, you won't spend a lot of time, but you'll definitely enjoy its cozy atmosphere and unique exhibits. There's only one issue: the museum doesn't have a strict working schedule and may be closed from time to time.



Another museum worth mentioning separately is the ARTlandya Doll Museum. It is located on an estate not far from the very pretty town of Icod de los Vinos, which in itself is worthy of your attention and visit.

They say that in terms of the size and quality of the ARTlandya collection, it is the number one doll museum in Europe. It is quite difficult to verify this claim, but anyone can visit the museum to admire the realism of the exhibits. On the faces of the dolls, you will be able to see joy and delight, resentment and indignation – exactly the same emotions that are inherent in living people.

And if boys have their own special museum - Museo Histórico Militar de Canarias, then why can't girls have such a museum? ARTLandya is perfect for this role.

In addition to the magnificent collection of dolls, you will get acquainted with the process of their manufacture and a small tropical garden on the museum's premises as a pleasant bonus. And, of course, if you like any of the dolls, you can discuss purchasing it with the owners.

Open: 14:00 - 18:00 (Thursday - Sunday)

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